Have you ever heard a sermon on how to interpret the Bible? A presentation in a Sunday school? Small group? On Christian radio or TV?
Few have. Yet, if we are going to make the most out of lives both now and into eternity, what could be more important than properly understanding God’s Word? That’s why we put together this twelve-part study. In it, we’ll discover:

  • What is the Bible all about?

  • Should we take the Bible literally?

  • How does the Old Testament apply to us today?

  • How NOT to Interpret the Bible (The Top Ten Mistakes)

  • What is the easiest way to discover the right interpretation? STOP!

  • How to Interpret problem passages

  • What do you need to know before interpreting the Bible?

  • What translation should we use?

  • If the Bible is clear, then why are there so many denominations?

Here's what our students are saying about this course....

Valoria Bilar

4 star rating

“The self-paced course allowed me to absorbed the useful information presented in a variety of ways, which helped my understanding. Now that I have completed the course, I would like to go over it again...slowly but surely, to solidify the informa...”

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“The self-paced course allowed me to absorbed the useful information presented in a variety of ways, which helped my understanding. Now that I have completed the course, I would like to go over it again...slowly but surely, to solidify the information in my mind so that I can use it myself and share it with others as God leads. Thank You for this informative course. ”

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Rob Horton

5 star rating

“I love how Dr Turek teaches. He breaks things down so simply. It's so refreshing to be using my brain to examine scripture instead of depending on "feelings" about what I think scripture says.”

“I love how Dr Turek teaches. He breaks things down so simply. It's so refreshing to be using my brain to examine scripture instead of depending on "feelings" about what I think scripture says.”

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Almando Calvo

5 star rating

“I actually learned a lot so far and i appreciate this type of teaching. its understandable, interesting, informative and keeps it biblical.”

“I actually learned a lot so far and i appreciate this type of teaching. its understandable, interesting, informative and keeps it biblical.”

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Joe Longoria

4 star rating

“All points of the study were to where i could understand. I'm a slow learner hard to understand, on issues , i have to re-listen to things over and over. but I thank you Frank!”

“All points of the study were to where i could understand. I'm a slow learner hard to understand, on issues , i have to re-listen to things over and over. but I thank you Frank!”

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Course curriculum

  • 03

    How NOT to Interpret Your Bible (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • How NOT to Interpret Your Bible (1)

    • Facts to Know Before Interpreting

    • Interpreting Mistake #1

    • Judge Not....

    • Interpreting Mistakes #2-4

    • Power Point pdfs

    • Lesson 2-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 04

    How NOT to Interpret Your Bible (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • How NOT to Interpret Your Bible (2)

    • Mistake #5

    • Mistakes #6-7

    • Mistakes #8-9

    • Mistake #10

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 3-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 05

    How Does the Old Testament Apply to Us? (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • The 80/20 Rule

    • S.T.O.P.

    • Observation

    • Free Will, Sin and The Law

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 4-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 06

    How Does the Old Testament Apply to Us? Part 2

    • Questions to download

    • How Much of the Old Testament is Binding on Christians?

    • Avoiding Temptation

    • S.T.O.P. Isaiah

    • Veiled Messianic Prophecies

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 5-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 07

    What’s the Easiest Way to Discover the Right Interpretation

    • Questions to download

    • What's the Easiest Way to Discover the Right Interpretation?

    • S.T.O.P. Luke 15

    • Act I: The Younger Brother

    • Act II: The Elder Brother

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 6-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 08

    Interpreting the Epistles

    • Questions to download

    • Don't Be in Such a Hurry

    • Interpreting the Epistles

    • S.T.O.P. Romans (1)

    • S.T.O.P. Romans (2)

    • S.T.O.P. Romans (3)

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 7-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 09

    Interpreting Problem Passages

    • Questions to download

    • Interpreting Problem Passages

    • Was Jesus a False Prophet?

    • The Importance of Notes & Quotes

    • Is God’s Election Unjust?

    • What Kind of “Election”?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 8-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 10

    More Problem Passages

    • Questions to download

    • More Problem Passages

    • Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? (1)

    • Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? (2)

    • Saved By.....?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 9-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 11

    What You Need to Know Before Interpreting the Bible

    • Questions to download

    • Prolegomena

    • C.O.L.U.M.N.S.

    • Order/Logic

    • Uniformity

    • Morality/Natures/Senses

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 10-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 12

    Which Translation Should I Use?

    • Questions to download

    • Which Translation Should I Use?

    • Sola Scriptura?

    • Bible Translation Comparison

    • Using Just One Version?

    • Which Version Should I Use?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 11-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

  • 13

    Why Are There So Many Different Denominations?

    • Questions to download

    • Why Is There Disagreement?

    • Denominational Differences

    • Essential and Non-Essential Divisions

    • We Have a Heart, Not a Head Problem

    • Is God Clear Enough?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 12-Summary

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Answer Key

    • Course Evaluation- How to Interpret Your Bible SELF-PACED Course

    • Closing Letter from Frank Turek