Are you changing culture or is culture changing you? Christians are called to challenge ideas in the environment of every day conversation, but are you prepared to take on these tough topics?

Frank Turek will take you through some of the most challenging ideas we face today. You will learn:

  • Where All the Trouble Began

  • Are All Atheists Nihilists?

  • Three Attacks on the Bible

  • Do We Know Everything About Science?

  • H.I.S.E. L.I.F.E. Why Intelligence Explains Life

  • What Culture Says About Identity

  • What Defines You?

  • What's the Difference Between Free From and Free to?

  • God's View of Sex vs. the Culture's View of Sex

  • Social Justice According to Critical Theory

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Let's Get Started!

  • 02

    LESSON 1 | Who Do You Trust?

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Intro

    • Part 2 - S.T.O.P

    • Part 3 - What Do Other Religions Say

    • Part 4 - Lord, Liar, Lunatic

    • Part 5 - Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 03

    LESSON 2 | What is the purpose of life?

    • Questions to download

    • Power Point PDFs

    • Part 1 - Intro

    • Part 2 - Atheism

    • Part 3 - The 'what' the Bible says

    • Part 4 - The purpose of life

    • Part 5 - Belief that vs Belief in

    • Part 6 - What God wants you to do

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 04

    LESSON 3 | Can We Trust the Bible? (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What culture says about the Bible

    • Part 2 - Is the Bible unreasonable?

    • Part 3 - Was the Bible invented?

    • Part 4 - Is the New Testament true?

    • Part 5 - Errors and Contradictions

    • Part 6 - Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 05

    LESSON 4 | Can We Trust the Bible? (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Is the Bible a house of cards?

    • Part 2 - Do we know everything about science?

    • Part 3 - P.A.T.H.S

    • Part 4 - Why we can trust the Bible

    • Part 5 - Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 06

    LESSON 5 | Origin: Where Did We Come From? (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Where did we come from?

    • Part 2 - Human evolution

    • Part 3 - The evidence for intelligence

    • Part 4 - H.I.S. L.I.F.E.

    • Part 5 - Hereditary Limits and Information in DNA

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 07

    LESSON 6 | Origin: Where Did We Come From? (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What every worldview needs to answer

    • Part 2 - H.I.S. L.I.F.E. (continued)

    • Part 3 - Statistically unlikely mutations

    • Part 4 - Lethal mutations and transitionary forms

    • Part 5 - Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 08

    LESSON 7 | Origin: Where Did We Come From? (Part 3)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Irreducible Complexity

    • Part 2 - The Fossil Record

    • Part 3 - Epigenetic Information

    • Part 4 - God or Nihilism

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 09

    LESSON 8 | Identity

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Intro

    • Part 2 - Modern Culture and Identity

    • Part 3 - What defines you?

    • Part 4 - Finding your identity

    • Part 5 - Who is your commanding officer?

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 10

    LESSON 9 | Freedom

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What's wrong with the world?

    • Part 2 - Free From and Free To

    • Part 3 - Does atheism offer freedom?

    • Part 4 - True Freedom

    • Part 5 Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 11

    LESSON 10 | Sex and Love (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - God and Sex

    • Part 2 - The Religion of Sex

    • Part 3 - Contradictions within the Religion of Sex

    • Part 4 - What the culture says about sex

    • Part 5 - Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 12

    LESSON 11 | Does Jesus Trump Your Politics?

  • 13

    LESSON 12 | Sex and Love (Part 2) Does Love Require Approval?

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Review

    • Part 2 - Sex, Marriage, and Love

    • Part 3 - Does love require approval?

    • Part 4 -Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions and Answer Key

  • 14

    LESSON 13 | Economics & Human Nature (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What is socialism?

    • Part 2 - Why doesn't socialism work?

    • Part 3 - Why doesn't socialism work part 2

    • Part 4 - Why doesn't socialism work part 3

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 15

    LESSON 14 | Economics & Human Nature (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Four Questions for Socialists and Communists

    • Part 2 - Heaven on Earth and the Piety Myths

    • Part 3 - The Winner-Loser Myth

    • Part 4 - Ideas Create Wealth

    • Part 5 - The Greed and Static Myths

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 16

    LESSON 15 | Economics & Human Nature (Part 3)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Five Myths - Review

    • Part 2 - The Root of All Evil

    • Part 3 - Was the early church Communist?

    • Part 4 - Why Capitalism Works

    • Part 5 -Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 17

    LESSON 16 | Social Justice (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - Justice vs. Social Justice

    • Part 2 - The Fundamentals of Critical Theory

    • Part 3 - Four Biblical Problems with Critical Theory

    • Part 4 - Contradictory Worldviews

    • Part 5 - Bonus Q&A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 18

    LESSON 17 | Social Justice (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • PowerPoint pdfs Part 2

    • Part 1 - Two Secular "Heroes"

    • Part 2 - Over Simplification

    • Part 3 - The Oppressed vs The Oppressor

    • Equality vs Equity

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 19

    LESSON 18 | Social Justice (Part 3)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What is Justice?

    • Part 2 - Biblical vs. Secular Justice

    • Part 3 - A more Biblically just society

    • Part 4 - Correcting Policy Injustices

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 20

    LESSON 19 | Deception

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • PowerPoint pdf Part 2

    • PowerPoint pdfs Part 3

    • Part 1 - How does the culture deceive?

    • Part 2 - Pretty Words

    • Part 3 - Deceived by Ugliness

    • Part 4 - Linguistic Theft

    • Part 5 - The Same Values

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 21

    LESSON 20 | Progressive Christianity (Part 1)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What is Progressive Christianity

    • Part 2 - What makes Progressive Christianity attractive?

    • Part 3 - Why is culture an unreliable guide?

    • Part 4 - No Hell, No Justice

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 22

    LESSON 21 | Progressive Christianity (Part 2)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - How is Progressive Christianity Contradictory?

    • Part 2 - Casualties of Progressive Christianity

    • Part 3 - What Progressive Christianity Gets Wrong About God

    • Part 4 - God is Not Like Us

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 23

    LESSON 22 | Progressive Christianity (Part 3)

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - How to Respond to Progressive Christianity

    • Part 2 - Five Signs Progressive Christianity is in your Church

    • Part 3 - Deconversion

    • Part 4 - God's Will

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

  • 24

    LESSON 23 | Cancel Culture

    • Questions to download

    • PowerPoint PDFs

    • Part 1 - What is Cancel Culture?

    • Part 2 - Why the Need to Cancel?

    • Part 3 - Responding to Cancel Culture

    • Part 4 - Choose Your Commanding Officer

    • Bonus Q & A

    • Toolbox Resources

    • Questions Answer Key

    • Course Evaluation- Jesus vs. the Culture - SELF-PACED