Have you ever wondered what it would be like to follow Dr. Frank Turek as he speaks at college campuses and travels the world telling others about the existence of God?

Well, now you get to!

Join us in this self-paced course and become acquainted with some of the evidence Dr. Turek presents as he travels the world. You will examine the evidence for God and learn how to defend what you believe no matter where you are! By the end of the course, you won’t only believe THAT God exists, you will believe IN His existence. There’s no better time to join the adventure. Let’s get real! It’s time to examine the evidence for God!

Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Let's Get Started!

  • 02

    What is Truth?

  • 03

    Does God Exist?

    • Lesson 2 Vocab Words

    • Cause and Effect

    • Einstein's Timeline Worksheet

    • Something From Nothing?

    • BEE Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • The first cause

    • God is eternal

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 04

    Intelligent Design

    • Lesson 3 Vocab Words

    • Evidence for design

    • What a wonderful world!

    • Downloable Activity Sheet

    • Every design needs a designer

    • Creation testifies that God exists

    • Creation Journal Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 05

    The Origin of Life

    • Lesson 4 Vocab Words

    • Messages come from minds

    • Can Order Come From Chaos?

    • Natural and Intelligent Causes Worksheets

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Two Causes: Natural or Intelligent?

    • Science Doesn’t Say Anything; Scientists Do!

    • DNA Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 06

    What about evolution?

    • Lesson 5 Vocab Words

    • Macroevolution vs microevolution

    • Macroevolution /Microevolution Worksheet

    • Animals of the Same Kind

    • 7 Days of Creation Worksheet

    • Downloadble Activity Sheet

    • The Universe's Birthday

    • Intelligent design makes sense

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 07

    Right and wrong: how do you know?

    • Lesson 6 Vocab Words

    • Playing by the rules

    • The Moral Law Worksheet

    • Setting the Standard

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • It’s written on your heart

    • God is good

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 08

    Are miracles possible?

    • Lesson 7 Vocab Words

    • What are miracles?

    • Natural revelation and special revelation

    • God Makes Himself Known Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • How does God communicate?

    • Do miracles still happen today?

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 09

    Is the Bible true?

    • Lesson 8 Vocab Words

    • Fact or fiction?

    • Literary Genres Worksheet

    • Copies and more copies!

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Making History

    • When was it written?

    • The 6 E's of Historical Reliability Worksheet

    • Timeline Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 10

    Did the NT writers tell the truth?

    • Lesson 9 Vocab Words

    • Eyewitness testimony

    • Embarrassing moments

    • Downloadable Activity sheet

    • Jesus’ demanding sayings

    • No Filter Worksheet

    • A new religion

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 11

    Evidence the NT is true

    • Lesson 10 Vocab Words

    • 6 E's to remember

    • Excruciating testimony

    • Extreme Makeover Worksheet

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Extra biblical testimony

    • The apostles creed

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 12

    What does the Bible say?

    • Lesson 11 Vocab Words

    • Was Jesus Lord, a liar or a lunatic?

    • Jesus claimed to be God

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Prove It!

    • The Bible will outlive us all

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

  • 13

    So what now?

    • Lesson 12 Vocab Words

    • Doubt and unbelief - What’s the difference?

    • Got questions?

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Who do you say Jesus is?

    • Where do we go from here?

    • Two Roads

    • Downloadable Activity Sheet

    • Evaluate the Course! What did you think of Let's Get Real Self-Paced Course