4 Questions to Show Christianity is True

In this course you will MASTER these 4 very important questions

  • 1. Does Truth Exist? If truth is relative, then Christianity can't be true. Learn how to refute relativism.

  • 2. Does God exist? If there is no God, the Bible can't be His Word. You will learn three ways to show God exists from science and reason alone.

  • 3. Are miracles possible? If not, then Christianity can't be true. You will learn about how science has shown that the greatest miracle of all has already occurred.

  • 4. Is the New Testament true? You will learn the top 5 reasons the New Testament is historically accurate—Jesus really did die and rise from the dead for the sins of the world.

This Course Begins SEPTEMBER 26th in:

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

See what our Students are saying!

John Howard

5 star rating

“Great course. Perfect in content, length, instructor, interaction and assignments, particularly for busy individuals. Highly recommended. ”

“Great course. Perfect in content, length, instructor, interaction and assignments, particularly for busy individuals. Highly recommended. ”

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Cyndy Douglas

5 star rating

“I took this course because I wanted to be held accountable for reading and understanding this book. The videos and workbook questions provided repetition for all of the main points. This helped me retain the information. The homework assignment...”

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“I took this course because I wanted to be held accountable for reading and understanding this book. The videos and workbook questions provided repetition for all of the main points. This helped me retain the information. The homework assignments were responsable and necessary if you are really going to learn the facts in this book. However, if you are a mother of young children it will seem overwhelming. You’ll need to spend about 5 hours per week doing something related to the class (reading the chapter, watching video clips, completing the workbook questions, writing short essays, or participating in a zoom session). It was inspiring to listen to Frank Turek in person every week. I really enjoyed his honesty and his humor. By the end of the class I think we all started to loosen up a little bit. There was definitely more class participation by the end. I am looking forward to taking another class in the future. ”

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5 star rating

“to know how to presents the veracity of true it was very exciting for me. I really hope that i learn how to use the arguments that are showed here to get the reason of my hope for everyone who asks me. Thanks everybody.”

“to know how to presents the veracity of true it was very exciting for me. I really hope that i learn how to use the arguments that are showed here to get the reason of my hope for everyone who asks me. Thanks everybody.”

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Charles Steck

5 star rating

“This was a very good course. The book and course content was great. The live online sessions with Dr. Turek were you could ask any question or make any comment were great as well. I would really encourage student to come to the online (Zoom) sess...”

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“This was a very good course. The book and course content was great. The live online sessions with Dr. Turek were you could ask any question or make any comment were great as well. I would really encourage student to come to the online (Zoom) sessions prepared with questions to take advantage of hearing a skilled and knowledgeable apologist give answers. The whole course and book is very sound and doesn't use a lot of scholarly language which will make it accessible to many more people. I am going to read the book again just to reabsorb the content. If one applies themselves to this course they will be well on their way to being a solid defender of Christianity. ”

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Abdias Cervantes

5 star rating

“This course should be a must for anyone active in the public arena. The logic in this book’s approach is air tight! I absolutely was challenged and equipped by this material. Dr Turek is easy to follow, even through the tough stuff. ”

“This course should be a must for anyone active in the public arena. The logic in this book’s approach is air tight! I absolutely was challenged and equipped by this material. Dr Turek is easy to follow, even through the tough stuff. ”

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Ted Kincaid

5 star rating

“This course is a great course! If you’re interested in taking any of the Reason U courses! this one is a good place to start! The Zoom sessions in the premium version are one of the Highlights of the course. Just a heads up though you will be c...”

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“This course is a great course! If you’re interested in taking any of the Reason U courses! this one is a good place to start! The Zoom sessions in the premium version are one of the Highlights of the course. Just a heads up though you will be challenged, but in a good way. And if you need help Frank, Tricia, and Alicia will help in anyway possible. I’m looking forward to taking another course. Ted Kincaid”

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Joseph Polizzi

5 star rating

“This course provides evidence all believers need to combat powerful but false arguments against our faith. I would suggest everyone in the faith dive in to what this course has to offer.”

“This course provides evidence all believers need to combat powerful but false arguments against our faith. I would suggest everyone in the faith dive in to what this course has to offer.”

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R Daniel Hammond

5 star rating

“As a pastor for 38 years I did not realize the facts, details, and information I had been missing from my ministry in the area of apologetics. I have often "defended" my faith with the reasoning that "the Bible tells me so." Now I have studied, l...”

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“As a pastor for 38 years I did not realize the facts, details, and information I had been missing from my ministry in the area of apologetics. I have often "defended" my faith with the reasoning that "the Bible tells me so." Now I have studied, learned, and discovered application methods of Christian apologetics in daily life. Though the course assignments caused initial groans and despair, the end results prepared me to understand, apply, and utilize apologetics for the defense of the Christian faith. I discovered methods and questions to use to properly address skeptics, atheists, and agnostics in a non-confrontational manner. This course has created within me a deep desire to further develop my understanding and application of apologetics in my personal and profession applications.”

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Katherine Whiteman

5 star rating

“Do you ever stare at that really important nonfiction book on your bookshelf and think to yourself, "You know, I really need to read that book someday." Well today is the day, my friends. If you find yourself struggling to get through nonfiction b...”

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“Do you ever stare at that really important nonfiction book on your bookshelf and think to yourself, "You know, I really need to read that book someday." Well today is the day, my friends. If you find yourself struggling to get through nonfiction books, not necessarily because you do not enjoy them, but you are maybe slightly lacking in self-discipline to finish them. Then this course is for you! Structured like a relaxed online college course, you are assigned a chapter a week to read and digest and-- BONUS-- reflect! Not only will this course walk you through I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, it will also require you to articulate what you have learned thereby solidifying the truth in your mind in a way that you will be able to use! THIS IS GOSPEL GOLD AND SHOULD BE NECESSARY FOR EVERY AMBASSADOR OF CHRIST! Above and beyond well-worth your time and money when the eternal reward is concerned!”

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Course curriculum

  • 01

    Let's Get Started!

  • 02

    Lesson 1 - Does Truth Exist?

  • 03

    Lesson 2: Does God Exist? In the Beginning . . .

    • {ALERT!} ZOOM Session- Oct. 4th @ 9:30PM EST

    • Lesson 2 Questions to Download

    • Video 1 | What Do You Mean by "God?"

    • Video 2 | Evidence of God: SURGE

    • Video 3 | Attributes of the First Cause

    • Video 4 | How Old Is The Universe?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: Confusion About "Nothing?"

    • Lesson 2| Toolbox

    • Assignment: Toolbox Video Synopsis

    • Lesson 2| Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 2| Quiz: Does God Exist? In the Beginning

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 2 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Oct. 9 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 04

    Lesson 3: Does God Exist? Divine Design

    • NO ZOOM Session

    • Lesson 3 | Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Evidence of Divine Design

    • Part 2 | A Universe with Life - The Anthropic Principle

    • Part 3 | Attempted Responses to the Teleological Argument

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: Resistance & Misunderstandings About Fine-Tuning

    • Lesson 3 | Toolbox

    • Assignment: Explaining the Anthropic Principle

    • Lesson 3 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 3 | Quiz

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 3 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Oct. 16 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 05

    Lesson 4: Does God Exist? - The Origin of Life

    • [UPDATED] ZOOM Session- Sunday, Oct. 23 @ 9pm ET

    • Lesson 4 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | The Origin of Life Problem

    • Part 2 |Investigating the Origins of First Life

    • Part 3 | Natural Causes vs Supernatural Causes: What Does Science Say?

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: The Origin of Life

    • Lesson 4 | Toolbox

    • Lessons 4-6 Assignment: Share Evidence for the Existence of Truth or God (DUE at the end of Lesson 6)

    • Lesson 4 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 4 |Quiz: Does God Exist? The Origin of Life

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 4 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Oct.23 @ 11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 06

    Lesson 5: What About Evolution?

    • [UPDATED] NO ZOOM Session on Oct. 25th

    • Lesson 5 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Introduction

    • Part 2 | Does Science Say Anything?

    • Part 3 | Evolution: Understanding The Defintions & Evidence

    • Part 4 | Understanding The 2nd Argument: Macro Evolution

    • Part 5 | Comparing The Evidence: Macro-Evolution vs Creation

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Lesson 5 | Toolbox

    • Spotlight: What Is Evolution? | The Evolution Debate Today | What's at Stake?

    • Lesson 5 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 5 | Quiz: What About Evolution

    • Lessons 4-6 Assignment: Share Evidence for the Existence of Truth or God

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 5 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Oct.30 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 07

    Lesson 6: Does God Exist? - The Moral Law

    • ZOOM Session- Nov. 1st @ 9PM EST

    • Lesson 6 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Is Morality Real or Relative?

    • Part 2 | Confusions About the Moral Argument

    • Part 3 | Conclusions From Everything We've Learned So Far

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: The Moral Argument in Evangelism

    • Lesson 6 |Toolbox

    • Lessons 4-6 Assignment: Share Evidence for the Existence of Truth or God

    • Lesson 6 |Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 6 |Quiz: Does God Exist? The Moral Law

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 6 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Nov. 6 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 08

    Lesson 7: Are Miracles Possible? Signs of God or Gullibility

    • ZOOM Session- Nov. 8th @ 9PM EST [Please be aware of Daylight Savings Time!]

    • Lesson 7 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | The Possibility & Purpose of Miracles

    • Part 3 | Scientific & Philosophical Bias

    • Part 2 | Objections to Miracles

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: What Is A Miracle? | Is There Any Evidence Of Miracles Today?

    • Lesson 7 |Toolbox

    • Assignment:" John of God " Critique

    • Lesson 7 |Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 7 |Quiz: Are Miracles Possible?

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 7 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Nov. 13 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 09

    Lesson 8: Is the New Testament True? - Do We Have an Accurate Copy?

    • NO ZOOM Session

    • Lesson 8 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | How Do We Know We Have An Accurate Copy?

    • Part 2 | Misquoting Jesus

    • Part 3 | Q&A

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: Contemporary New Testament Scholarship

    • Lesson 8 |Toolbox

    • Lesson 8 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 8 |Quiz: Is the NT True? Do We Have an Accurate Copy?

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 8 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Nov. 20 @ 11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 10

    Lesson 9: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? - Part 1

    • [UPDATED] ZOOM Session- Nov. 22 @9PM ET

    • Lesson 9 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Evidence the NT is True: Early Testimony

    • Part 2 | Evidence the NT is True: Eyewitness Testimony

    • Part 3 | Evidence the NT is True: Embarrassing Testimony

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: More on New Testament Evidence

    • Lesson 9 |Toolbox

    • Assignment: Explain Six Lines of Evidence Showing NT Writers Told the Truth

    • Lesson 9 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 9 |Quiz: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? (Pt 1)

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 9 |*Submit completed survey by Sun. Nov. 27 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 11

    Lesson 10: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? - Part 2

    • ZOOM Session- Nov. 29th @9PM ET

    • Lesson 10 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Evidence the NT is True: Excruciating Testimony

    • Part 2 | Evidence the NT is True: Expected Testimony

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Part 3 | Evidence the NT is True: Extra-Biblical Testimony

    • Spotlight: Defending the Resurrection

    • Lesson 10 |Toolbox

    • Assignment: Final Apologetics Dialogue

    • Lesson 10 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 10 |Quiz: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? (Pt 2)

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 10 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Dec. 4 @11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 12

    Lesson 11: Books of the Bible?

    • ZOOM Session- Dec. 6th @ 9PM EST

    • Lesson 11 Questions to Download

    • Part 1 | Who Is Jesus & What Did He Teach About the Bible?

    • Part 2 | What Books Should Be In The Bible?

    • Part 3 | Responding to Objections

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: Inerrancy & Other Christian Doctrines

    • Lesson 11| Toolbox

    • Assignment: Final Apologetic Dialogue (continued)

    • Lesson 11| Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 11| Quiz: Is Jesus God? What Books Should be in the Bible?

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 11 | *Submit completed survey by Sun. Dec.11 @ 11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.

  • 13

    Lesson 12: So What If It's True?

    • FINAL ZOOM Session- Dec. 13th @ 9PM EST

    • Part 1 | What Will You Do?

    • Part 2 | Q&A

    • PowerPoint pdfs

    • Spotlight: Dealing with Doubt | Applying What You've Learned

    • Lesson 12 |Toolbox

    • Lesson 12 Questions

    • Lesson 12 | Questions Answer Key

    • Lesson 12 | Quiz: So What if It's True?

    • Course Evaluation- WISDHEFTBAA PREMIUM Course

    • Completion Verification Survey-Lesson 12 | *Submit completed survey by Mon. Dec.19th @ 11:59 pm/ET, even if all work is not done on time.